Floral Pattern

A $570K rare dime and a rare bicentennial quarter are still in circulation

The $Ten-Million Marvel: 1976 Bicentennial Quarter

Its price tag reaches an astonishing ten million dollars, making it the crown jewel of numismatic rarities.

Dancing with Liberty: Bicentennial Quarter Series

A subset of Bicentennial Quarters featuring intricate designs showcasing Liberty dancing among the stars.

The Enigmatic ’76-S Silver Proof: A $Ten-Million Rarity

Among the Bicentennial Quarters, the ’76-S Silver Proof stands out as a true numismatic marvel.

Pristine Preservation: The $Ten-Million Mint Condition Quarter

Collectors clamor for a chance to own this pristine piece of history, making it a coveted gem in the numismatic world.

The ’76-D Drummer Boy Delight: A $Ten-Million Masterpiece

Featuring the iconic Drummer Boy design, this ’76-D Bicentennial Quarter has achieved legendary status in the numismatic community.

The Silver Lining: Bicentennial Quarters in Rare Silver

A select group of Bicentennial Quarters minted in silver adds a gleaming touch to this esteemed collection.